
Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology

A student at UB, one of the top psychology degree programs in connecticut

A flexible degree, earned your way

Psychology informs countless professional fields, ranging from business and marketing to healthcare and more. When you earn a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, you gain an in-depth understanding of human mental, behavioral and emotional processes — laying a professional foundation that’s sought after across many fields. Better still, University of Bridgeport offers several paths for earning your Psychology degree, making it possible to tailor your learning to your interests and needs.

Gain professional skills and knowledge

When you earn your bachelor’s degree in Psychology at UB, you’ll gain an in-depth understanding of the human mind. As you pursue your degree, you will learn the theories and research that inform the study of modern Psychology. Through your coursework, you’ll explore the general areas of developmental, personality, social, cognitive, and abnormal psychology. Moreover, you will foster “soft skills” such as communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving — further preparing you for professional success.

Learn from UB’s expert faculty

At University of Bridgeport, our faculty are experts in their fields. Our Psychology degree programs are taught by knowledgeable and experienced clinicians, instructors, and researchers. With a 14:1* student to faculty ratio, you will be more than a number as you work closely alongside your professors to build and refine your understanding of human psychology.

Enjoy individualized career outcomes

Thanks to the flexibility of this psychology degree, you can choose from a variety of professional paths. Some potential career choices include:

  • Case worker
  • Computer programmer
  • Fundraiser
  • Human resources management
  • Market research analyst
  • Public relations manager
  • Real estate agent
  • School faculty
  • Technical writer
  • Training or development specialist

A bachelor’s degree in Psychology can also serve as a gateway to graduate school. By earning your Psychology degree, you’ll gain a strong academic background that will help you succeed as you continue your education. Many graduates choose to pursue a postgraduate degree in Counseling, law, education, and other fields.

*based on 2022-2023 data

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Find additional information about the Psychology BS degree in the academic catalog.